Martin Land: The nine-acre Martin Land was donated to CLCT by Maude Smith and Helen Martin in 1970. The wooded property links Park Lane to the Assabet River.
Hutchins Land: This 16.5-acre property was purchased from the heirs of Gordon Hutchins by CLCT in 1971. The property is located in the Estabrook Woods east of Two Rod Road north of and accessible from the Town’s Punkatasset Conservation Land. A small loop trail runs from Two Rod Road through this property, an adjacent private property and our Gifford Land (see below). Click to download a trail map.
Kazmaier Land: Located on Elm Street, the 16-acre Kazmaier land consists of actively-farmed fields. The property was gifted to CLCT in 1979-1981 by Patricia and Richard Kazmaier. A trail beginning at the end of Adams Road runs around the periphery of the fields; please stay off fields during the growing season.
Scout Island and Schevill Land: In 1981, Edwin D. Brooks, Jr. donated Scout Island (or Brooks Island) to CLCT. Located in Fairhaven Bay across from Wright Woods, the island is 2.7 acres and accessible only by boat. In 1990, Barbara and William Schevill, who lived on the ‘mainland’ across from Scout Island, donated 9.6 of their acres to provide a natural, wooded background to the island and the bay.
Spaulding Land: Through its president, Richard Spaulding, Spaulding Management Corporation donated two parcels of land totaling nearly 40 acres to CLCT in 2001. The property named Elm Brook, after the stream that runs through it, lies both to the north and south of Virginia Road. It abuts the Thoreau birthplace and Hanscom Field. A loop trail leads north into the property from Virginia Road. The trail is rough and currently overgrown in many places. Improvements will be made during 2024. Click to download a trail map.
Gifford Land: Over the course of nine years, beginning in 2003, Chandler and Barbara Gifford and their son and his wife, Peter and Holly Gifford, donated 15 acres of fields and woods to CLCT. byThe property is part of the Estabrook Woods. The small loop trail through CLCT’s Hutchins Land continues onto the Gifford Land for a short distance. Click to download a trail map.
Other generous donors of land include Tim and Shirley Blancke on Annursnac Hill, Patricia and Patrick Navarro on Kennedy Pond, Reed and Helen Beharrel on Warner’s Pond, Mrs. Helen Kingman and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kraetzer on Sudbury Road, the heirs of Stedman Buttrick on Hugh Cargill Road, and Adele Rustino on Lindsay Pond Road.
Trail Conditions
Entrances / parking

Gifford Land

Spaulding Land

Hutchins Land

Kennedy's Pond

Kingman Land
The land regulations
Please stay on marked trails
Leave the land as you found it
Do not remove plants, wildlife, stones, or historical artifacts
Carry out litter and dog waste and dispose of properly
Dogs must be under control at all times
Please observe posted restrictions for horses and bicycles
No camping, fires, or hunting (except by special permission)
No alcoholic beverages
No motorized vehicles except to provide ADA access