Events - Programs - News
Annual Winter Walk
Join us with your snowshoes, skis, or boots for a winter outing, complete with hot chocolate and good company.
2024 Annual Meeting & 65th Anniversary
All members are invited to the annual business meeting and election of trustees. A walk and celebration, including refreshments, will follow.
2024 Deer Hunting Program and Horse Riding Events
Bow hunting of deer is occurring in Wright Woods and Bigelow Woods/Soutter Field from October 7 to December 31, 2024. Horse riding events are occurring this fall in Wright Woods and October Farm Riverfront.
CLCT is Hiring!
We are excited to announce that we are hiring for a new permanent, full-time Manager of Land Stewardship.
Beecology Field Trips
In August and September, join us in collecting field data on plant-pollinator interactions on our conservation land.
Name Our Newsletter!
The Board has selected three options to rename our newsletter. Members, cast your vote for your favorite title!
Battle Road BioBlitz 2024
Participate in the BioBlitz being organized by Minute Man National Historical Park and co-sponsored by allied conservation partners along the Battle Road.
Spring Birding with Peter Alden
Join birder and naturalist Peter Alden for a guided walk to observe spring migratory bird species and various natural areas of interest.
Riverfest 2024: A Walk in Wright Woods with Rachel Wheeler and John Myers
As part of 2024 Riverfest in July, join Rachel Wheeler and John Myers for a guided loop walk beginning at the Fairhaven Bay Overlook and exploring the trails along Well Meadow and the Sudbury River.
Summer Stewardship Intern Position
We are hiring for a part-time Stewardship Intern.
Volunteer Programs
Learn more about the Land Trust’s volunteer programs.
Annual Winter Walk
Join us with your snowshoes, skis, or boots for a winter excursion through tall white pines and for views of Fairhaven Bay.
2023 Annual Meeting
All Land Trust members are invited to join us as we celebrate the accomplishments of this past year, review the Land Trust’s financial performance, consider a change to the Trust instrument, and elect and re-elect trustees. A guided walk and refreshments will follow.
Vernal Pool Explorations with Bryan Windmiller
Join Bryan Windmiller of Zoo New England for a guided walk to observe and learn about the life cycles of amphibians and invertebrates that breed and thrive in these ephemeral pools.
Conservation of Native Pollinator Systems
Join us at the Concord Free Public Library as Dr. Robert Gegear will present research on plant-pollinator interactions and solutions to their decline.
Annual Winter Walk
Join us with your snowshoes, skis, or boots for a winter walk through tall white pines and hemlock groves at Simon Willard Woods.
Concord from Above the Trees: Copter Ecology Views
Join us at the Library with Richard T. T. Forman who will present photographs he took from a helicopter above Concord! Learn about Concord’s ecological landscapes and gain new perspectives of the Town.
2022 Annual Meeting
All members are invited to join us as we celebrate the accomplishments of this past year, review the organization’s financial performance, and elect trustees. Themed walks and refreshments will follow.
Autumn Around Nashawtuc Hill: Flower, Tree, and Bird Life Observations with Peter Alden
Join Peter Alden for an engaging, fall-filled walk around Nashawtuc Hill along the Squaw Sachem’s trail in Concord.
Plant a Pollinator Display Garden at Fowler Library
As part of Climate Preparedness Week, join us and the Fowler Library staff to help plant this new garden and decorate bricks to create a border around the new garden site.
Propagating Local, Native Pollinator Plants across Concord
As part of Climate Preparedness Week, join us, the Town Natural resources Division, and the Concord Library to learn about native pollinators and what each organization is doing to support these pollination systems.
Seeking Plant ID Volunteers
What is that plant? If you enjoy identifying trees, shrubs, forbs or graminoids, then please keep reading! The Land Trust would like to enlist your support to help with recording observations on designated Land Trust properties. Data will supplement the Beecology Citizen Science work and be used toward future initiatives.
Old Stone Walls and Other Discoveries with Richard T.T. Forman
Join Richard T.T. Forman for a walk at Chamberlin Woods and Newbury Field to search for old stone walls and foundations, erratic piles and a cattail-less marsh, big hickories and twisting pitch-pine, and much, much more.
Bumblebee and Butterfly ID Workshop
Dr. Robert Gegear will teach participants how to identify our native bumblebees and butterflies, and record sightings using the Beecology Web App. Priority will be given to participants who sign up to become a Beecology Citizen Scientist Volunteer.
"Wild and Noble Sites": A Walk to Egg Rock
As part of 2022 Riverfest, join Dr. Amity Wilczek, an evolutionary ecologist, and Richard Smith, an historian, for a guided exploration of the ecology and history of Simon Willard Woods and Egg Rock.
Trail Construction Workshop, Part II: Fieldwork Experience in Wright Woods
Volunteers will work side-by-side with a professional crew from AMC led by Matt Moore, the trail crew manager, and will help construct trails and mitigate erosion along the Red Trail and White Trail in Wright Woods. Participants should attend Part I the week before.
Trail Construction Fundamentals with Matt Moore of AMC
Learn about the tools and techniques for constructing sustainable trails with Matt Moore, manager for Professional AMC Crews and experienced trail builder for nearly twenty years. Matt also provides an overview of the project plans for bench cutting a new trail and brushing in an eroded legacy trail in Wright Woods.
Trail Construction Workshop, Part I: Building and Maintenance Fundamentals with AMC
Learn about the tools and techniques for constructing sustainable trails with Matt Moore, manager for Professional AMC Crews. Matt will also provide an overview of the project plans in Wright Woods.
Become a Beecology Citizen Science Volunteer
Become a Beecology Citizen Scientist Volunteer and learn to use the Beecology Web App to record plant-pollinator interactions at designated properties. No experience necessary, but a desire to help at-risk species and contribute to a larger body of scientific understanding about pollination systems across the state and New England will be a plus!
River Stewardship Volunteer Pilot Program
Pull on your PFD, grab your paddles and boat, and volunteer with CLCT on the Sudbury River this summer! The Land Trust is launching a new initiative to assist with aquatic invasive species management, especially water chestnut (Trapa natans).
Summer Stewardship Intern Position
The Land Trust seeks qualified candidates for a paid internship that will provide practical experience in land and river stewardship work. This is a full-time position commitment from June through August, although length and timing are flexible. The successful candidate will enjoy working independently and with others in the outdoors. For more information about the internship and how to apply, click on the position description button.
Walks at Assabet River Bluff
Join us for a guided walk at this beautiful property that we are working to preserve. Learn more about the campaign and experience the charm of the land for yourself and hopefully catch sight of some of the early signs of spring, including migrating Eastern Phoebes, flowering high-bush blueberries or mink signs – just a few indicators of the ecological value of this riparian landscape.
“A Stepping Stone to Heaven”: A Celebration of the History and Biology of Fairhaven Bay
Bring your snowshoes, skis or boots and trek with us to the Fairhaven Overlook in the Wright Woods where biologist, Amity Wilczek, and local historian, Richard Smith, will meet us by a warm campfire for a conversation — and an additional guided loop for the truly adventurous! — about how the woods and Sudbury River have transformed over the past 150 years.
1:00 PM
Lawns Be Gone! Welcome Native Plantings into Your Landscape
As part of Climate Prep Week, learn how you can transform your lawn into useful habitat, implement conservation practices at home and become the best stewards of your landscape to support biodiversity and land resiliency.
4:00 - 5:30pm
Wright Woods Work Party
We need 30 volunteers between two shifts to help us complete this important work. Please join us!
9:00am – 10:30am (1 shift of 15 volunteers)
11:00am – 12:30pm (2nd shift of 15 volunteers)
Miles of Trails Project
Calling all trail users: The Land Trust needs your help in measuring the lengths of our trails! This is especially great work for students seeking community service hours. We are seeking Trail Measuring Volunteers to help collect data for the Miles of Trails Project. Click the button to the right for more information on how to volunteer.
Trail Work Days (Summer '21)
We need your help taking care of Land Trust properties this summer by joining fellow members and friends on our upcoming work days. We’ve added multiple dates and a flexible schedule to help accommodate members busy summer schedules. Whether you just have an hour or want to help multiple days, help us maintain the land we all love!
Upper Spencer Brook Valley nature journaling
Gather your adventure boots, magnifying glasses, and sketchbooks, because we are off on wild walk through Upper Spencer Brook Valley! The Land Trust is partnering with The Umbrella Arts Center, Musketaquid Arts & Environment Program to provide this art and nature workshop. Sunday April 18, 2021 from 2pm-3:30pm. Details and registration via the button to the right.
Town-wide garlic mustard pull
The Natural Resources Division and the Concord Land Conservation Trust will resume a garlic mustard pull from conservation lands, trails, and roads this year, from mid to late May. Contact the Division of Natural Resources at 978.318.3285 for more information on how to volunteer!
Brewster and the Birds Walking Tour
The Land Trust is partnering with The Concord Museum for a tour of October Farm Riverfront on Saturday May 1 at 8:30 am. Barbara Forman will tell stories about Brewster’s childhood friendship with Daniel Chester French and his time on October Farm with his assistant Robert Gilbert. Registration required, please follow the link button to the right.
Climate Emergency: Feedback Loops
Climate Emergency: Feedback Loops, is a series of five short films featuring 12 world-renowned climate scientists. Narrated by Richard Gere, these films are freely available for viewing now and are subtitled in 20 languages at
Saturday, January 9th at 10:30pm ET is a free livestream conversation about the climate crisis. Visit for additional information and to register. A local Conordian resident worked to produce this film, so let us support their work and better understand feedback loops in our changing climate.
Newsletters & Publications
Please follow the link to the right to access current and past newsletters as well as special publications of the Concord Land Conservation Trust.